Feng Shui - New Age nonsense or key to a good life?

   15 Nopember 2021  

You may have heard the words, some may even know their meaning, many do swear Feng Shui changed their lives, but most have no opinion. Same as I, until I started writing these lines and looked up some literature on this over 3000 year old practice, - and now I am even more confused, not a single step further.
Let’s try to summarize the basics in a few paragraphs, which certainly is not an easy task. Same as if you poke your finger in the air and try to analyze air pressure, moisture content, temperature, wind speed and try to figure out the weather for next week.

But at least, we know, that these things can indeed be accurately measured.

Feng Shui, the mysterious metaphysic of the Han Chinese with a long history cannot. Supporters swear, that by applying the knowledge, positive results will show up. Forget your doctor, bank manager and lover. If you want to be healthier, wealthier and happier, they suggest try Feng Shui.

Others may turn away and mumble ‘nonsense’.

Feng Shui, translated from Chinese means ‘Wind / Water’, and relates to a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi), and whose favourable or unfavourable effects are taken into account when positioning and designing buildings, rooms, even arranging your desk at home.

Well, you know, when entering uncle David’s cluttered living room, where the curtains don’t match with the wall paint, where, when resting on his sofa, the hot afternoon sunshine hits your neck, where, when going to the kitchen, you have to walk between the sofa and TV cabinet, where the furniture is not really comfy, - well, you don’t like to spend much time there. He may be a follower of Jim Beam, less so of Feng Shui.

Of course, if it would be you, you would re-position furniture, you would apply your good taste. I know this, because uncle Dave’s are few and you do know by own experience which living room style suits you.

But what, if we could really create an environment, which can hardly be improved at all anymore to make you feel super comfortable and happy? Does Feng Shui help to achieve exactly that?
You know from earlier letters that I am just a real estate guy. Not really qualified in metaphysics or interior design. So how do I dare wanting to give you an overview of something which has been at the center of Chinese wisdom for countless generations? Generations, who were using universal principles and the laws of nature to determine how to organize their environment in order to be happy, healthy, prosperous and free?

As always, these monthly notes cannot possibly replace your own thorough research. They are merely meant to give our clients or interested readers a little scrap of information about things related to life, environment and most importantly – wellbeing. As such these bits and pieces, often talking about Ubud and Bali, should guide your thoughts towards your best possible life on earth.

So read up more about Feng Shui, if you are planning to buy property or want to build. Today we just touch the basics and it may well be that at the end of these lines you think: ‘at least I know now, that I will not waste any more time with this crap’.

However, how come that famous people, such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Johnny Depp, Oprah Winfrey, Madonna, Julia Roberts, Tommy Hillfiger, Steven Spielberg, Deepak Chopra, and many more had Feng Shui experts assisting with their projects?

Or even Companies like Nike, Intel, and Coca-Cola, all use Feng Shui to Boost Productivity. Maybe there is indeed something to it? These are hardcore money makers, not easy to spend their earnings on a mere phantasy project, right?

To the point: 
Many Feng Shui rules are about what items to place near or far away from doors and windows, because chi, (the energy of life itself, a balance of Yin and Yang, positive and negative, an electromagnetic energy which flows through everything in creation) can enter and leave through those openings. The easiest way to change Feng Shui in a room is to add or move one of the five elements, which are water, wood, fire, earth, and metal.

Here is a classic example of a room arranged by Feng Shui principles ---

Not your thing? That is very much ok. No one is trying to convince you, but knowledge sure doesn’t hurt.

It is said that bright lamps, living plants, fish tanks and clocks (with moving parts) are especially useful in keeping the energy flowing. Aunty Wilma has restless leg syndrome? (Now we now about the benefit)

Mirrors can also be used to deflect energy which might be escaping. They also help to expand tight corners and stop you feeling hemmed in your room... and your life.

Your front door is of major importance, as this is where the energy flows in and out. It should be kept in good working order and completely clear at all times.

Avoid built-in cupboards - they'll hem you in and cause headaches. 
Keep your decor well-maintained. Cracks in the ceiling will affect your health and emotional wellbeing.

Pictures are symbolic, so choose them carefully. If you're in a relationship - or want one - go for soft, romantic scenes, not solitary portraits, bare landscapes or your dream e-mobil.

Which is the best Feng Shui House for a family?
In terms of Feng Shui, the house with open space on the left will be more beneficial to a family where the husband is the dominant force and key member of the family. This is because the open space allows the dragon to move freely and harness its influence.
(Stunning! Even the ancient Chinese already understood that there may be a dragon in the family).

The center of your house should be clutter-free. That way the center of your life will be, too.
An angle in the staircase means you'll never have money problems.

Never position the bed so your feet are pointing out of the door as, traditionally, you are carried feet first through the door when you are dead.

You see, everything is being taken care of,
and on the list goes on, and on …
Embracing Feng Shui can also be useful if you are buying or selling a home. Things like dead flowers, peeling paint, rubbish and darkness all create negative energy, and put off potential buyers.
In Asia, Feng Shui is most commonly used to attract wealth. Many businesses use it, and most tycoons seek help in this area, discreetly or openly.

Is it fair to compare Feng Shui at minimum with a placebo pill? 
Like, it cannot hurt, but if you believe it works, it probably does.
For anyone who is further intrigued, look up on the internet - - -
The title is misleading. After reading you will be truly kind of an expert.
Feng Shui wisdom goes even this far, that good and bad days in November are pointed out in a special calendar. This email is usually sent out on the 20th of the month. According to Feng Shui an ‘OK day’.
Strong recommendation: Best staying in bed on 29. And no haircut, you hear? Plus, stay away from any major event. (You now can see that reading our news can possibly even save your life),
therefore, I sure hope, we meet here again next month. Until then, have a good time, make wise decisions (or ask us for help),

and with best regards,
yours Ray

@ UbudProperty



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